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School Dropout - Situation Under Control?

Who are school dropouts?

School dropouts are those children, who leave their studies in between due to any reason either economic or social.

In India Article -21 in the constitution provide free and compulsory education for all children in the age group of 6-14yrs.

But still, there are a lot of children who don't get a basic education. And this adversely affects their life.

Everyone in the world should be educated. One can discover his/her capabilities only when he is educated. Education is the biggest weapon to bring a change in society.

School dropout in India statistics.

+ In 2010 India's dropout rate has fallen from 12.1 percent in 1990 to 7.4% in 2010.

+ Servey says that the dropout has diminished to 0.11% in 2019-20, as compared to 0.22% in 2016-17.

From these statistics, we can clearly say that the situation has improved. Many government policies and other awareness programs are showing some ground-level results. Such as Sarva Siksha Abhiyan.

Several non-governmental organizations are working toward improving the number of students in school.

What are the reasons behind the school dropouts?

+ Poverty, non-accessibility and non-availability
+ Education Not Considered Necessary
+ Supporting family
+  Constant failure
+ Bullying
+  Frequent change of schools
+ Academic pressure from school and parents
+  Lack of interest
+ Did not get admission
+ Not safe to send girls
+ No proper school facilities for girls
+ No female teacher
+ The community they belong
+ The family background of the students
+ Wrong decisions made by the students themselves

Why school dropouts is a problem?

+ Higher the drop rate, higher the poverty.
+ Higher the drop rate, higher the unawareness
+ Higher the drop rate, higher the unemployment
+ Higher the drop rate, higher the criminal involvement
+ Higher the drop rate, higher the child labor.

And we know that in a young country like India, the government encourages children to go to school because ultimately they are the real wealth of the country.

Parents should also need to understand that education is the only way to get rid of unemployment, unawareness, and poverty.

Student counseling and parental support play a very pivotal role in deciding their fate. 

students should be allowed to go in that field in which they are deeply interested and curious.

Also, parents should not impose their dreams on their children. Love doesn't hurt but expectations do.


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