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Criminalization of Politics!!

Democracy means election, election means power lies in the hands of the citizens.
 But are we responsibly doing our duty?
 Are we electing the good candidates and leaders?

Firstly, we should know that, who is a good leader.
- A good leader should have the qualities such as selflessness, honesty and accountability towards the people.

But today, we are electing those representatives to form laws, who are criminals in the eyes of the laws.

According to India today, nearly 50% MPs in Lok Sabha have criminal records.

According to Times of India, there is a rise of 26% in MP with the criminal history from 2014 to 2019.

There is not one single national or regional political party with 0% of criminal records on its members.

Let me tell you what kind of cases are pending on our MP's
- Murder
- Attempt to murder
- Kidnapping
- Human Trafficking
- Dacoity

According to more than 2,500 sitting MLA, MP face criminal cases, informed by Supreme court.

According to, in assembly election 2016, every third MLA have criminal records on them.

According to, at present 21 BJP MPs and 16 Congress MPs have declared serious criminal offences against women. 

From these facts and figures you can easily understand how ruined the situation is.

What an ironical situation it is, police is protecting those from, whom common people are not safe.

Impact on working of police, when a criminal is elected- 
1. Rule of law got dismissed and rule of representatives starts
2. Criminal, powerful people take over the complete machinery and working in their hands.

According to Dr. Milan Vaishnav's research in Lok sabha election if the candidate have 

1. Zero criminal case,  so his chances to win is 7%.
2. Minor criminal cases, so his chances to win increase to 19%.
3. Serious criminal cases, so his chances to win increase to 25%.

The probability of winning election depends on the crimes done by a criminal.

Similarly, at State assembly election the probability of winning an election by a criminal is three times as compared to the innocent and a clean candidate.

But why we elect a criminal?
 1. Caste is the reason behind this, in most cases people think that every candidate is corrupt, so they prefer caste.
 2. In the late 1970's when there was instability in government, political parties started giving tickets to such kind of criminals who bring crowd and fund.
3. At some extent we are also irresponsible about voting and electing honest candidates.

The limits of expenditure for an MP election is fixed to 25 lacs by election commission of India. But on an average they spend between 20-50 crores. Simple calculation of more the money you distribute more the votes you get. 

According to Dr Qureshi, former chief election commissioner, there is 0 conviction in the raids and money seized by them during election. And it is vey shocking. 

"Citizens are the creator, representatives are the creature and how creature can be bigger than creator" Mr. Devasahayan, IAS.

Actually if a candidate is investing 2,000 in buying my vote because he knew the output is in millions and billions.

And by selling our vote we also have lost our soul, faith and our conscience.

We see the dreams being Shattered today, our ancestors sacrificed their lives to give us the right to vote and here we are selling it.


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