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Showing posts from June, 2021

What does an IAS officer do?

When you hear the word IAS , the things that must come to your mind are UPSC, civil services exam, aspirants, dedication, courage, hard work, power, responsibilities, etc.  You know, UPSC is considered one of the toughest exams in India. And only, around 90 Top candidates get Indian Administrative Services every year, which is very little. So, in today's blog, we will discuss the day-to-day working and responsibility of an IAS officer. Indian Administration Services fall into the executives part of the central government. It means they work to implement the laws, formulated by the legislature, on the ground level. source: There are three different levels in these services, where you get promotion according to your experience.  Entry-level: They are responsible for maintaining laws and order in their particular areas and for collecting the revenue for the government.  Middle level: They are in charge of a combination among different governme...

Stress and Depression!!

"There was a moment when I felt as if I was falling in a well. The deeper I was going the darker it appeared. The light that I could see was gradually fading and I feel helpless and eventually, I fall." "A moment when I don't realize that I was alive or dead. I was not feeling anything good, anything happening. I was just liked to be alone, didn't want to talk. And my thoughts seem buried inside me. I was lost in the midst."  These two above-mentioned statements are of those two people who were suffering from  severe depression  and also tried to  commit suicide.  But they fought and overcome. They have tried to describe what they were feeling during that misery.  In today's blog, we will talk about  mental health.  In India between the age group of 15-30yrs what kills most people after accidents are  suicides .  According to research recently, every one out of four patients that visited their family doctors was diagnosed with mental ill...